
The Wichita Public Library Foundation seeks private charitable support to create young readers, ensure digital inclusion, and provide equitable access to information. Its sole purpose is to create a Margin of Excellence at the Wichita Public Library. 

Welcome to the Library Foundation

The Library Foundation was founded in 1987 as a public/private partnership following severe budget cuts by the City of Wichita. A mission of advocacy, fundraising and building relationships began with $89,000 in estate gifts and contributions. Over $12.2 million in grants, donations and endowment income has been made available to the Library in support of programs and materials collections over the past 30 years. Today, the Foundation continues to support Library services which benefit our community.



Wichita Public Library Foundation
711 W. 2nd St. N., Wichita, KS 67203
Interactive Partner: Howerton+White